
Welcome!!! Thank you for visiting my sports weblog. I'm a devoted husband and loving father of one daughter. My family is very important to me, therefore we are a team, TEAM KIRKLEY!!!

God and family are #1 in my life. I'm an Academic Librarian/Cobb Game Day Magazine Contributor/Sports Writer/Sports Blogger. "Your thoughts are better organized when they are written." I came up with this quote  because I believe I express my thoughts better when I write them down.

I hope you enjoy my sports weblog. I enjoy covering (writing) about my favorite teams, Atlanta Falcons and Atlanta Braves, and on occasion the University of Georgia Bulldogs. I update my writings on a daily/weekly basis, depending on if there are any good news to share. And there is always good sports to share since sporting news nowadays are a 365 day business.


Mark A. Kirkley: twitter @makirkley


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